
Welcome to My AI Cookbook

This repository is my personal collection of recipes and notebooks, documenting my journey of learning and exploring various aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As a self-taught AI enthusiast, I created this cookbook to serve as a knowledge base, a “how-to” guide, and a reference point for my own projects and experiments.

See my resume for more information about my AI all-in dive.

The Story Behind

Over the past year, I’ve been fascinated by the rapidly evolving field of AI and its endless possibilities. To deepen my understanding and skills, I embarked on a self-learning journey, diving into various AI-related projects and topics. As I progressed, I realized the importance of documenting my learnings, successes, and failures. This cookbook is the culmination of that effort, a centralized hub where I can quickly find and revisit previous projects, takeaways, and insights.

What You’ll Find Here

This cookbook is a living repository of my AI-related projects, experiments, and learnings. You’ll find a diverse range of topics, including:

Goals and Objectives

This cookbook serves several purposes:

Stay Tuned

As I continue to explore and learn, this cookbook will evolve, incorporating new projects, recipes, and insights. I hope you find this resource helpful, and I look forward to sharing my AI journey with you.

Best regards,