Chain of Thoughts

The Chain of Thoughts is a powerful technique used in artificial intelligence and cognitive architectures to model human-like reasoning and decision-making. It’s a method for generating a sequence of thoughts, ideas, or concepts that are linked together to form a coherent narrative or argument.

How it works:

  1. Seed thought: The process starts with a seed thought, which is an initial idea or concept.
  2. Associative thinking: The AI system uses associative thinking to generate a new thought that is related to the seed thought.
  3. Contextualization: The system contextualizes the new thought within the existing knowledge graph or semantic network.
  4. Inference: The system draws inferences from the new thought, generating a new set of related ideas or concepts.
  5. Iteration: Steps 2-4 are repeated, creating a chain of thoughts that are linked together through associations, inferences, and contextualization.


  • Human-like reasoning: The Chain of Thoughts technique enables AI systems to reason and think in a way that’s similar to humans, making them more relatable and interactive.
  • Creative problem-solving: By generating a chain of thoughts, AI systems can explore different solutions to complex problems, fostering creative problem-solving.
  • Natural language understanding: The Chain of Thoughts technique can be used to improve natural language understanding by generating coherent narratives or arguments.

Other similar techniques:

  1. Mind Mapping: A visual technique used to organize and connect ideas, concepts, and information.
  2. Concept Mapping: A method for visually representing relationships between concepts, ideas, and information.
  3. Causal Chain Analysis: A technique used to identify cause-and-effect relationships between events or variables.
  4. Influence Diagrams: A graphical representation of uncertain relationships between variables, used in decision analysis and Bayesian networks.
  5. Cognitive Maps: A visual representation of an individual’s thought processes, beliefs, and attitudes.

These techniques share similarities with the Chain of Thoughts in that they:

  • Use associations and relationships to connect ideas and concepts
  • Foster creative problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Can be used to model human-like reasoning and decision-making
  • Enable AI systems to generate coherent narratives or arguments